Thursday, December 27, 2007

quick review of the green tea starter set

First off, a prettied-up (but word-for-word) copy of the review I posted on their site:

Decent value all around, and the range of teas included represented a good sampling of the green tea experience. And I can't think of a more 'no fuss' way to make a good cup of tea at the office than the included ingenuiTEA.

Mine came with:
citron green: An outstanding cup of tea, really. Same basic idea as putting lemon in a tea, but done better than I ever do by myself.

genmai cha: Tea meets rice! My default tea when I can get it, with a quiet yumminess and pleasant scent.

green pekoe: A fine 'any day' tea.

kukicha: Rich and springlike, with a serious sweet finish. Not my style, but definitely cool.

In the next post, I'll share more of my actual experience, now that I've just about finished off the tea samples.

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