Wednesday, January 16, 2008 Sencha Miyabi

100g of Miyabi sencha arrived today, and I did a quadruple infusion tasting this evening.

I'll have to tinker some to try and perfect the brewing process and suit it to my taste, but I can already tell this is going to be an outstanding addition to my collection.

Sencha has rapidly become a favorite of mine, and Miyabi is a sencha of really high quality.

There's no harshness or room for constructive criticism I can find yet. It's just a fine cup of tea.

I made four 4-oz. infusions from a level teaspoon of leaf, tinkering with temperatures ranging from a top end of 180*F on down a bit in pyrex.

Each infusion, as usual, had its own character. But the tea was a little bit sweet, a little bit buttery, and fresh without leaving me feeling like I was sucking on grass.

Sencha is the closest I've found to a beverage equivalent of kissing, and this was a fine example.

Fortunately, I bought enough to last for weeks!

1 comment:

Salsero said...

I have never tried the Miyabi but it really sounds good. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.